Friday, November 24, 2006

Email #3

Sometimes, the emails will be long and make absolutely no sense. for example, today's message.

you have eaten your last pair of trousers mama's boy! unfortunately you have not been eating enough green beans. i suggest you stay close to the road when you are going to the clam chowder drink-off. we have had enough of your tuna casserole. have you ever been allowed to take three cookies instead of two? i didn't think so! you are so predictable, always taking just the two cookies instead of the customary three. you HAVE been reported to the authorities. it is TOO LATE TO SAVE YOURSELF FROM JAILTIME, just think all it would have taken to avoid years in the hoosegow. eat finnish truffles you spandex wearing clown! take soap operas seriously! enjoy watching youth soccer! take a shower. don't forget to use soap! IT"S THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP CLEAN! watch out for orange dogs, they CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be trusted.
your lactose intolerance suits you well, sir.


1 comment:

MrVilhauer said...

Two cookies is a cop-out, Keith.